5 Essential Tips to Finding The Right Candidate

One of the most common reasons a job has been open for a long time is because the hiring manager can’t find the right candidates to fill the role. There are several reasons that hiring managers can’t find the right people and they all boil down to one main issue: hiring managers don’t know how to get their open roles in front the right group of candidates.
Fortunately, there is a way for hiring mangers to quickly and efficiently get their open jobs to the right candidates, and that is by partnering with a recruiting firm.
Below are 5 tips on how to get your job filled with the right candidate when partnering with a recruiting firm.
Tip #1 – Write a CLEAR Job Description
A clearly written job description is the first step to attracting the right candidates. A common mistake that I’ve seen from most hiring managers is that the job description doesn’t accurately display what they are truly looking for. To avoid this, make sure you spend time understanding what tasks and projects that open role will accomplish, and the type of candidate that would be most successful in this role. Once you’ve curated a clear job description, set time to meet with your recruiting partner to explain the job description and your ideal candidate profile so you can both target the right candidates.
Tip #2 – ENGAGE with the Recruiter and PARTNER on the search
Communication is key when partnering with a recruiting firm. Before the recruiting process begins, make sure you have a set way of communication and scheduled frequent, reoccurring touch points with your recruiting partner. This will hold both of you and your recruiting partner accountable on meeting deadlines and guiding each other in the right direction.
Tip #3 – Allocate TIME dedicated to Interviewing and communicating with your recruiting partner
The most common phrase I’ve heard from hiring managers is “I am so busy; I don’t have time to fill my job!.” I understand everyone is busy but finding a qualified candidate for your position should be a top priority. One way that I’ve helped hiring managers overcome this obstacle is by setting designated weekly time slots that are reserved for tasks that will help you fill your open role, like communicating with your recruiter, and preparing for and conducting interviews.
Tip #4 – Be PREPARED for each interview and create a great candidate experience
Always be prepared! Coming prepared to your recruiter touch points and candidate interviews will help keep the recruiting efforts of both you and your recruiting partner aligned. When you are meeting with your recruiting partner, come prepared by reviewing candidate profiles or past interview notes, and have feedback ready. And when you are interviewing candidates, come prepared by reviewing their resume and social media, and craft up a list of questions based on what you’ve found.
Tip #5 – Be DECISIVE and committed to MAKE A DECISION if a candidate is qualified
One of the biggest mistakes that I’ve seen in my career is hiring managers dragging their feet on making a decision to hire a candidate. Hiring someone is expensive, and sometimes, hiring managers get cold feet right before the final decision. While there will always be better candidates on the market, you can’t sit around and wait for them to come. You need to trust your gut and give your most qualified candidate a try.
Overall, hiring is like rolling the dice. You must be prepared and have a set strategy to follow through the entire process. But in the end, if you followed all the tips listed above, you will find the right qualified candidate to add to your team.