Getting to the Finish Line

I recently found myself repeating a line from an old 90’s movie Jerry McGuire, “help me, help you.” It was after a couple of clients performed a series of interviews only to have the candidate make it to the final interview and not get the offer. If you’ve been doing recruiting long enough, you’re bound to see this happen, but not nearly with the frequency I have seen recently. It has me asking the question, “Are these candidates doing something in the final interview that is a red flag or is the client not interviewing effectively?”
In total these clients spent between 10 – 20 hours interviewing each candidate. There were several interviews with multiple people, all day field rides and thousands of dollars spent on flights and hotels for in person interviews lasting less than an hour. With all the technology available why are we still spending so much time and money getting prospective employees to the final interview stages? Organizations invest in employee training and growth, but they could do a better job training management how to interview and hire.
I once had a mentor tell me to evaluate employees by their attitude, aptitude and desire to do the job. After all employers hire people, not resumes. My skeptics will say not everyone is right for every job and I agree. My only feedback to hiring managers is to know what qualities and skills you need before beginning the interview process. Ask a few important questions during the first conversation that will help you decide can this person do this job. Don’t be reluctant to cut a person loose early in the process if they don’t meet minimum requirements. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to take a chance on someone who isn’t perfect on paper or doesn’t answer the question precisely how you imagined they should. A final interview should be a mutual opportunity for the employer and candidate to find reasons to say “yes” to each other.