How To Find And Recruit “Magnet” Employees

Earlier this year, I introduced a different way to grade workers. In this approach, everyone falls into a -1, 0, or +1 category.
This is a fairly simplistic method of evaluating employees, but there is room for nuance.
For instance, there’s a subset of +1 employees that are the absolute cream of the crop.
These are the magnets, and these people supercharge their companies’ growth.
Employees Who Perform And Attract Talent
The best employees not only produce consistently at a high level, but they raise the performance of those around them.
Magnets go a step further by attracting other top employees to work with them. These are often executives and managers with a track record of success who have cultivated strong relationships throughout their careers.
When magnets switch jobs, the move reverberates throughout their professional network. It’s a signal that their new company is cool and promising. People trust their judgment, and begin paying attention to the new company.
The halo effect of hiring a magnet cannot be underestimated. Hiring these people can grease the skids for a company’s entire recruiting process.
And yes, magnets command premium compensation.
Top Signs Of Magnet Employees
Telltale signs of magnets include their work history, job titles, and references.
Have they built strong teams? Do their careers show a progression in responsibility? Are they recommended by coworkers?
Not all magnets have led teams, though. It’s possible for individual contributors to be magnets. For instance, software developers with impeccable work and strong reputations can attract other talent. Sites like Github can reveal credibility points.
With a bit of due diligence and checking references, you can begin to connect the dots to identify if someone is a magnet.
People Work For Managers, Not Companies
The No. 1 reason why people leave jobs and take new jobs is because of who they work for. It’s less about the company.
In fact, when we begin a new job order, a key question we ask a manager during the intake process is: Why would someone want to work for you personally?
Once we understand this, we can begin to sell the opportunity to candidates.
This illustrates why magnets are so valuable. They sell themselves and the companies they work for.
For more management insights and advice from Scott, listen to his episode on recruitAbility’s “Nothing’s Sacred” podcast.