How Will The Role Of The CIO Continue To Change?

Over the past decade, technology has become an essential asset to the growth and success of a business. In the past, CIOs were mainly tasked with managing their internal technology applications. With the current push for businesses to become more digital, the role of a CIO will continue to evolve from what it was when it first entered the business world.
CIOs Within the Last Decade
When the role of a Chief Information Officer was first introduced into the business world in the 1980s, its main purpose was to oversee all the internal technology operations. Businesses leaders typically looked for CIO candidates that had strong technical skills and didn’t place a focus on their ability to push strategy forward.
Fast forward a few decades to when the role of a CIO really started to change. As business leaders started to realize that they could leverage the power of technology to gather more data and better service their customer base, the gap between business operations and IT started to merge. And the more a business continued to digitalize, the more responsibilities fell under the CIO.
What Is the Future of the CIO?
Over the years, we’ve seen technology evolve from the cost of doing business to a fundamental source of competitive advantage. Technology is now the heart of an organization, meaning CIOs have more power than ever to create and drive organizational strategies.
To be a successful CIO in today’s business world, candidates now need to understand their organization’s overall strategy and goals and how their technology applications can help meet their needs. They also need to be powerful change agents by looking for ways to better improve their current technology stack to create a more efficient environment.
Check out a recent WSJ article, where they interview several CIOs from various companies on how they believe the role of the CIO will continue to change.
Searching For Your Next CIO
As the role of a CIO is constantly changing, it’s hard to know what is and isn’t expectable to ask when looking for a CIO. Fortunately, we spend our days connecting with current CIO candidates in our Private Talent Community to learn their overall needs and wants. We can provide our unquiet candidate insight to help you find your next CIO in a quicker and more efficient manner.
If your business needs help with finding your next technology leaders, give us a shout at