Latest Data On Cybersecurity Salary Ranges

Few job categories are growing as quickly as cybersecurity, the field dedicated to the protection of Internet-connected systems from online threats. Enterprises are allocating millions of dollars to defend against unauthorized access to everything from customer information to financial data.
Per IBM, the global average cost of a single data breach is $3.87 million. Also, the U.S. incurs the highest cost for data breaches compared to any other region in the world. Industries like healthcare, education, and utilities are among the most vulnerable.
Across the board, we are seeing every role in cybersecurity grow significantly both in terms of open job reqs and compensation. It really is a rising tide that is sweeping across every single aspect of our economy.
Entry-Level Salaries In Cybersecurity
A great way to find entry-level jobs at tech companies is through a call center job. You may notice job titles like help desk, customer service associate, technical or customer support, customer success representative, etc. These are solid-paying jobs, and they’re plentiful.
For these roles in traditional IT, SaaS, or tech companies, the salary range is $35k – $65k depending on experience. What we’re seeing in cybersecurity is that the range is $40k – $90k. That’s a 14% bump on the low end and a 38% bump on the high end!
This is a function of high demand and the premium placed on niche expertise.
Salaries For Software Engineers In Cybersecurity
Software engineers are highly coveted across a variety of sectors. The supply never seems to match the demand. In cybersecurity, this issue is magnified because of the rapid growth.
If you took 10 software engineers with equal skills and one of them has a background in cybersecurity, that one person will be able to command a 15-20% higher salary right off the bat. For instance, software engineers with 5-8 years of experience typically are paid $110k-$130k. In cybersecurity, those same people earn between $140k-$160k.
Beyond that, diverse candidates are in even higher demand. Cybersecurity has a reputation for being dominated by white males, but there’s an effort to change that. We had a client tell us that if we find a qualified minority candidate, they will automatically fast-track him/her to the interview stage.
Salaries For Security Professionals In Cybersecurity
The unsung heroes in cybersecurity are the people working in the shadows. These are the professionals in the penetration testing space that every major tech company hires or employs to play offense or defense for them.
On defense, “white hat” security professionals spend all of their time thinking of ways to keep their adversaries out of their data. They work on preventative measures that will ensure that their company is safe in the event of a cyber attack.
On offense, “black hat” security professionals figure out ways to get in the door by identifying vulnerabilities in a company’s infrastructure. If you’re curious about how these firms operate, watch the film “Sneakers,” starring Robert Redford and Dan Aykroyd.
Across the board, we’re seeing a 25-35% increase in salaries for these roles in the last five years. Typically, these people have computer science backgrounds and multiple certifications. Someone with 5-8 years of experience earned $110k-$120k five years ago in this type of role. Now, that same person can command a salary in the $135k-$165k range, depending on the complexity of the position.
Salaries For Cybersecurity Consultants
The hottest area of growth in cybersecurity is in consulting. IT Advisory Services is a relatively new practice in big firms such as Ernst & Young, Accenture, and Weaver.
Around 15 years ago, these firms sent teams of auditors into companies for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance projects. That actually served as an entree to cybersecurity audits, since the consulting firms began to learn the systems that companies use to store all of their data.
Now, we’re seeing CIOs ask for help with complex cybersecurity projects, and this has created a surge in demand for consultants with backgrounds in cybersecurity.
If you’re an MBA joining a consulting firm – whether you are on the accounting or IT side – your starting salary will be around $110k depending on your experience level. The difference is, within three years, the IT consultant will earn roughly 30% more than his/her accounting counterpart. There’s just so much more opportunity for growth due to the demand for cybersecurity help.
Is your company looking for help with cybersecurity? Are you searching for engineers with a background in IT? We can help. Contact us at