Areana Garza
Recruiting Account Manager

Areana brings diverse recruiting background to recruitAbility, with over eight years of professional recruiting experience. Areana specializes in tech but has now built a multi-versed talent network with most disciplines. Over the last four years, Areana has taken on more leadership positions, working directly with customers and setting delivery expectations. Areana, also stepped into the RPO space a little over two years ago and has been exceeding customer expectations ever since.
With recruitAbility, Areana is a key team member on our Managed RPO Services team, serving as a Recruiting Operations Account Manager, Areana is instrumental in making sure that she and her team achieve and exceed her customers’ goals. She plays a critical role in growing and retaining our RPO customers. From individual contribution, or leading a team, or sitting around a conference room table with a customer, Areana brings a tremendous background that compliments recruitAbility’s growth opportunities.
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