What Makes A Great Recruiting Partner?

There are multiple recruiting firms on the market that claim to be the best in the industry. While any recruiting firm can say they are #1 in their market, what matters is a business’s ability to determine what truly makes a recruiting firm a great partner. Throughout our experience in the industry, we’ve found that all great recruiting partners share most of the same traits – transparency, accountability, guidance, industry experience, and positive candidate and client experiences.
Transparency is the one trait that can make or break any business partnership. Transparency needs to be established from both parties in the beginning of the relationship to create trust. The main way to create transparency with a recruiting partner is providing open and honest lines of communication. The client’s duty is to provide honest feedback on each candidate through the entire process, good and bad. And the recruiter’s duty is to keep the client updated on the various candidates throughout the entire process, good and bad.
Accountability is something that not every business – let alone every recruiting firm- holds. A true partnership between any business will include dedication to the success of each other. When partnering with a recruiting firm, it should be a necessity that the recruiting partner is invested in the success and retention of the candidate, even well after they are placed.
Outsourcing critical business processes, like recruitment, can be nerve-racking. Your recruiting partner should be guiding you through the process with the success of your business in mind. Whether your interviewing processes are too tedious, or your need help curating the right job description for a position, you partner should provide their expertise and experience the entire way.
Industry Experience
The recruiting industry is continuously evolving, and the best recruiting partners have been through it all. Partnering with a recruiting firm that has been in the industry for years provides numerous benefits that you typically won’t receive from other recruiting companies. These recruiting veterans know the best recruiting practices and hold the skills to find you the right candidate in any type of job market.
Positive Candidate & Client Experiences
Throughout the entire recruitment process, its important that your recruiting partner is placing a focus on providing the best experience for your team and prospective candidates. One way to ensure that a recruiting firm can offer these positive experiences is through learning about their past candidate and client experiences. When look at recruiting firms to partner with, don’t be afraid to ask them for references from past clients and candidates. And with great recruiting partners, they will have their candidate and client reviews accessible and displayed on all their resource materials.
If your business needs help finding the right recruiting partner, reach out to us: sales@therecruitability.com